
You’re missing out on sales

If your business isn’t using retargeting, custom audiences, and conversion attribution, you’re missing out on potential sales. In the past few years, digital advertising has become increasingly complex. If you’re not implementing these tools, we can help.

On average, only 2% of website visitors convert after their first visit, regardless of whether you operate an e-commerce store or a brick-and-mortar business. Retargeting technology is a powerful tool that enables us to re-engage with the other 98% of prospects who expressed an interest in your product or service, but didn’t purchase. We target these prospects on other websites and apps they use, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and thousands of others. And the best part is, retargeting ads are much less expensive than other types of targeted digital ads.

If you have a customer list, we can use Custom Audience technology to find new prospects that “look like” your current customers. We analyze people’s demographic and psychographic data, in addition to their social media likes, follows and shares, to find new customers with similar desires and purchase behaviors. It’s akin to “fishing where the fishes are.”

Conversion Attribution technology is custom website code that tracks when an online OR in-store purchase resulted after someone saw one of your digital ads. With this data, we can tell which ads and platforms are working, and which aren’t, and optimize your ad spend accordingly. We can also measure your return on advertising spend (ROAS) by dividing sales resulting from your digital ads by your total ad spend. Don’t spend money on digital advertising unless you can measure the resulting sales. Without Conversion Attribution, you’re “spraying and praying” — spending money and hoping for results.

How do you know if you’re missing sales?

To see if your business is using these tools, enter your website below. If you don’t see these results, your website is not configured to take advantage of these advertising technologies.

Capture Missing Sales

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